Coffee Cats Alumni
Cat Welfare
We take our cat family's health, safety and wellbeing very seriously and their happiness and comfort is of paramount importance to us.
We have house-rules and an age restriction for visitors to respect, together with keeping numbers low help maintain a quiet and calm environment.
In the café there are lots of nooks & crannies where the cats can 'opt-out' or have a snooze. We also let them have access to a private area, should they require more time away from the action.
Should we feel a cat becomes unsettled in this environment, we look to retire them and find them a new forever loving home.
CCTV is in operation at all times
We worked closely with *Mill House and local shelters to ensure that we are rehoming the right cats for the environment. All of our cats were previously kept indoors and had been living in care, with other cats (some for a very long time). We are delighted to have been able to give them a second chance and a loving new home.
We will not be providing an adoption service at this time, unless we feel a cat has become unsettled, as we feel that regularly changing the relationship dynamics will become stressful for the cats. There are however many Charities and Sanctuaries that would be more than happy to assist.
To help us continue to operate we have an admission charge to offset the day to day running and welfare costs of our felines. However, this doesn't always cover the vet bills, which are unpredictable and expensive, so we have set up a sponsorship scheme. To find out more, click on Sponsor a Cat